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Terms and Conditions

The terms "We" / "Us" / "Our"/”Company” individually and collectively refer to Crucial Contact (Business name) who operate (the “Site”) and the terms “Visitor” / ”User” refer to the users.
This page states the Terms and Conditions under which you (Visitor) may visit this website (“Website”). Please read this page carefully. If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions stated here, we would request you to exit this site. The business, any of its business divisions and / or its subsidiaries, associate companies or subsidiaries to subsidiaries or such other investment companies (in India or abroad) reserve their respective rights to revise these Terms and Conditions at any time by updating this posting. You should visit this page periodically to re-appraise yourself of the Terms and Conditions, because they are binding on all users of this Website.


All logos, brands, marks headings, labels, names, signatures, numerals, shapes or any combinations thereof, appearing in this site, except as otherwise noted, are properties either owned, or used under license, by the business and / or its associate entities who feature on this Website. The use of these properties or any other content on this site, except as provided in these terms and conditions or in the site content, is strictly prohibited.
You may not sell or modify the content of this Website or reproduce, display, publicly perform, distribute, or otherwise use the materials in any way for any public or commercial purpose without the respective organisation’s or entity’s written permission.

Description of Service

Crucial Contact inter alia provides an online website '' for its viewers and any associated mobile sites, applications ("Site") to inter alia buy database information through offline means ( and not through the website) after mutually agreement between buyer and seller ( Crucial Contact ), and any other features, tools, applications, materials, or other services offered from time to time by Crucial Contact connection with its business, provided on the Site ("Crucial Contact Content") and includes posting of comments, participation in contests. (all such features of the Site collectively referred to as "Services"). 'Content' will hence consist of 'Crucial Contact Content'.

Please note that the availability of, and Your ability to access, the Content or some part of Services, (a) is subject to Crucial Contact's sole discretion and (b) may be dependent upon Your geographical location and (c) is on the condition that not all Content or Services will be available to all viewers. On account of the nature of the Internet, this Site and the Services may also be accessed in various geographical locations; and You hereby agree and acknowledge that You are accessing this Site and availing of the Services, at Your own risk, choice and initiative and You agree and undertake to ensure that Your use of the Site and the Services complies with all applicable laws including the local laws in Your jurisdiction. Further, such Services and Content may vary from place to place, time to time and device to device and would be subject to various parameters such as specifications, device, Internet availability and speed, bandwidth, etc. You agree and acknowledge that Crucial Contact may monitor or use certain technologies for monitoring of activities including logging of Your IP address to ascertain and verify Your geographical location.

The Service can be availed through platforms, software and devices, which Crucial Contact approves from time to time, the current list for which is as set out below ("Compatible System"). In some cases, whether a device is (or remains) a Compatible System may depend on software or platform provided or maintained by the device manufacturer or other third parties. As a result, devices that are Compatible System at one time may cease to be Compatible System in the future.

The website works best with:

Latest version of Google Chrome
Latest version of Firefox
Latest version of Safari
Microsoft Windows XP or above / MAC OS 10.2 or above
JavaScript and cookies enabled
The applications work best with a minimum system requirement of:
Android v.4.0
iOS 8
Subject to compatibility, You may be able to access the Services through mobile phones, tablets and other IP based connected devices.

Digital Services

Digital services including any form of database bought offline will be using a third party payment gateways to process and facilitate the payment to Crucial Contact. On successful purchase using the third party payment gateways, Crucial Contact will intimate You of the same.

Payments - Refund and Cancellation Policy

Click here to read more

Other Payment information:

You also understand and acknowledge that Crucial Contact only facilitates the third party payment gateway for processing of payments. This facility is managed by the third party payment gateway provider and You are required to follow all the terms and conditions of such third party payment gateway provider.
You are responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided by You, including the bank account number/credit card details and any other information requested during the payment process through the third party payment gateway. You agree and acknowledge that Crucial Contactcshall not be liable and in no way be held responsible for any losses whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, including without limitation any losses due to delay in processing of payment instruction or any credit card fraud.
You can file any complaint related to payment processing on the Site and the same will be forwarded to the concerned third party payment gateway provider for redressal.

Upon payment through any of the Payment Modes and confirmation of receipt of such payment from the payment gateway provider, an invoice will emailed to you.
Upon payment being received by Crucial Contact through any of the Payment Method, Crucial Contact shall make the purchase of digital database information available to You through any of the approved modes of delivery that Crucial Contact adopts.
It is hereby clarified that the Digital Database information offered to You are offered by Crucial Contact and not by any third party including any payment gateway service providers.
Crucial Contact reserves the right to change, terminate or otherwise amend the digital sound plans, Fees at its sole discretion and at any time. Such amendments shall be effective upon posting on the Site and Your continued use of the Service shall be deemed to be Your conclusive acceptance of such amendments.

Crucial Contact reserves the right to change, supplement, alter or remove any of the Content that is subject to a Digital Fee as it deems fit. Crucial Contact does not guarantee the availability of a specific Content or a minimum Content that is subject to a Digital Fee.


(A) Security Rules
Visitors are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Web site, including, without limitation, (1) accessing data not intended for such user or logging into a server or account which the user is not authorised to access, (2) attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorisation, (3) attempting to interfere with service to any user, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of submitting a virus or "Trojan horse" to the Website, overloading, "flooding", "mail bombing" or "crashing", or (4) sending unsolicited electronic mail, including promotions and/or advertising of products or services. Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability. The business and / or its associate entities will have the right to investigate occurrences that they suspect as involving such violations and will have the right to involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who are involved in such violations.

(B) General Rules
Visitors may not use the Web Site in order to transmit, distribute, store or destroy material (a) that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence or violate any applicable law or regulation, (b) in a manner that will infringe the copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights of others or violate the privacy or publicity of other personal rights of others, or (c) that is libellous, defamatory, pornographic, profane, obscene, threatening, abusive or hateful.


The Services available through website are not available to persons under the age of 18 or to anyone previously suspended or removed by Crucial Contact from availing the Crucial Contact Services or accessing the Crucial Contact Platform. By accepting the T&Cs or by otherwise using the Crucial Contact Services on the Crucial Contact Platform, You represent that You are at least 18 years of age and have not been previously suspended or removed by Crucial Contact, or disqualified for any other reason, from availing the Crucial Contact Services or using the Crucial Contact Platform. In addition, You represent and warrant that You have the right, authority and capacity to enter into this Agreement and to abide by all the T&Cs as part of this Agreement. Finally, You shall not impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent Your identity, age or affiliation with any person or entity. Finally, in the event of any violation of the T&Cs, Crucial Contact reserves the right to suspend or permanently prevent You from availing Crucial Contact Services or using the Crucial Contact Platform.


The User unilaterally agree to indemnify and hold harmless, without objection, the Company, its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claims, actions and/or demands and/or liabilities and/or losses and/or damages whatsoever arising from or resulting from their use of or their breach of the terms.


User agrees that neither Company nor its group companies, directors, officers or employee shall be liable for any direct or/and indirect or/and incidental or/and special or/and consequential or/and exemplary damages, resulting from the use or/and the inability to use the service or/and data or/and information or/and services purchased or/and obtained or/and messages received or/and transactions entered into through or/and from the service or/and resulting from unauthorized access to or/and alteration of user's transmissions or/and data or/and arising from any other matter relating to the service, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits or/and use or/and data or other intangible, even if Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
User further agrees that Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from interruption, suspension or termination of service, including but not limited to direct or/and indirect or/and incidental or/and special consequential or/and exemplary damages, whether such interruption or/and suspension or/and termination was justified or not, negligent or intentional, inadvertent or advertent.
User agrees that Company shall not be responsible or liable to user, or anyone, for the statements or conduct of any third party of the service. In sum, in no event shall Company's total liability to the User for all damages or/and losses or/and causes of action exceed the amount paid by the User to Company, if any, that is related to the cause of action.


In no event shall Company or any parties, organizations or entities associated with the corporate brand name us or otherwise, mentioned at this Website be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitations, incidental and consequential damages, lost profits, or damage to computer hardware or loss of data information or business interruption) resulting from the use or inability to use the Website and the Website material, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not, such organization or entities were advised of the possibility of such damages. Information and advice on this site is not a substitute for any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of Crucial Contact. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.
Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, Crucial Contact takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.

Grievance Redressal Redressal Mechanism: Any complaints, abuse or concerns with regards to content and or comment or breach of these terms shall be immediately informed to the designated Grievance Officer as mentioned below via in writing or through email signed with the electronic signature to Mr. Vikas Mittal ("Grievance Officer").

Details as below:
Mr. Vikas Mittal (Grievance Officer)

Click here for the contact information


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